Tuesday 19 November 2013

Task Six - Non-Continuity


Although most directors usually make movies following continuity editing, some directors create deliberate non-continuity edits by using jump cuts or breaking the 180 degree rule. One famous deliberate non-continuity edits have been from "A Bout de SoufflĂ©"

In this short clip there is deliberate jump cuts along the scene having the character 'jump' from one action to another.


Another famous scene is from The Shining where a scene would include deliberate non-continuity shots where they would break the 180 degree shot rule multiple times in one scene.


Friday 15 November 2013

Task Five - Continuity Editing

Task Five - Continuity Editing

Continuity editing is a style of editing which has been used in many famous movies as well as T.V shows, Continuity editing serves as a sort of guideline whilst filming.

Continuity Editing Techniques 
Match-On-Action is one of the techniques which is about matching an action whilst filming with a different camera angle shot, for example if one character starts an action in one camera shot; the character has to replicate the action for the other shot.
Eye-Line Match is another one of the techniques where we film a shot at something as if the character is looking directly at that something, for example if a character is looking at a car across the street the camera will go as if it's a first person view of the character looking at the car.
180 Degree Rule is one other of the techniques where we follow what is more like a guideline and is kind of complicated to understand, what it is about is that when filming the shot the camera can't pass this 180 degree line. Where is this line? well the line is located where the characters are in a shot, for example say a camera shot is looking at two characters talking to each other; the 180 degree line is going through the two characters so if the camera was to film the other side of the two characters then the 180 degree rule will have been broken.
In this diagram you can see how the line can be passed by the camera.

Shot, Reverse Shot is the final technique and is about how two shots follows two (or more) characters having a conversation by showing one of the characters whilst the character is speaking and then switching the shot to face the other character whilst they are speaking; the shot, reverse shot normally happens till the end of the conversation. This technique is used in nearly every movie or T.V show at least once, T.V shows which use this the most are usually soaps like EastEnders since they are mostly speaking to each other in deep conversations.

Our Practical
We filmed a short movie to show our understandings of the techniques in continuity editing.

In our short film we show how the techniques of continuity editing by trying to make them feel 'fluid' how they would be used in an actual movie.